Friday, November 29, 2019

101 Summary and Gender Professor Ramos Blog

101 Summary and Gender Quick Write Quick Write In your own words, what argument is Slaughter making? The Art of Summarizing Chapter 2 explains how to write an extended summary. We will be working with this today moving into beginning our essays. Careful you do not write a list summary or â€Å"closest cliche†. The book treats summary and paraphrase similarly. Keep in mind that you will also be using quotes. We Should All Be Feminist What is a feminist? A person who believes in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER, â€Å"Why Women Still Can’t Have It All†Ã‚  [p. 534] RICHARD DORMENT, â€Å"Why Men Still Can’t Have It All†Ã‚  [p. 555] Slaughter Why Women Still Cant Have it All The Slaughter article was published in  The Atlantic. Take 3 minutes and find something you had a question about or wanted to talk about from the Slaughter article. Dorment Why Men Still Cant Have it All

Monday, November 25, 2019

Qu preguntan en la entrevista de visa de novios (K-1)

Qu preguntan en la entrevista de visa de novios (K-1) La entrevista para la visa de novios K-1 es un paso fundamental que en buena parte determina su aprobacià ³n negacià ³n de este tipo de visa. La entrevista tiene lugar en una embajada o consulado de los Estados Unidos y es un requisito obligatorio para el novio o la prometida de un ciudadano estadounidense para el que se pide la visa K-1. Solo despuà ©s podr ver estampado su pasaporte con la visa que le autoriza a ingresar a los Estados Unidos. Una vez en el paà ­s deber casarse con el ciudadano que le patrocinà ³ en el plazo mximo de 90 dà ­as e iniciar un proceso de ajuste de estatus, para asà ­ completar la tramitacià ³n de la tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida como green card. Este artà ­culo contiene informacià ³n sobre preguntas que generalmente los oficiales consulares realizan a los prometidos de ciudadanos. No tienen por quà © ser iguales, pero son de ese tipo y buscan lo mismo: asegurarse de que la relacià ³n entre los novios es verdadera y no se trata de un fraude para ingresar asà ­ a los Estados Unidos y obtener los papeles.   Asimismo, se aclaran los requisitos de entrevista para los nià ±os para los que se solicita una visa K-2. Ejemplos de preguntas para la visa de novios K-1 Los dos novios tiene que presentarse, el dà ­a y a la hora que se les cite, en el consulado al que corresponda tramitar este tipo de documentos en el lugar en el que vive el prometido o prometida extranjero. Entre las preguntas que puede es comà ºn que se realicen destacan: Preguntas sobre la relacià ³n Cà ³mo se conocieron, cundo y dà ³nde.Por quà © desean contraer matrimonio y que el novio/a extranjero/a se mude a Estados Unidos y cules son los planes una vez se encuentre allà ­.Si quieren tener hijos.Quà © aficiones, hobbies, tienen en comà ºn y que disfrutan de hacer conjuntamente.Cà ³mo solucionan las peleas de novios.Quà © es lo que ms gusta del novio/a ¿Cà ³mo fue la proposicià ³n de matrimonio? ¿Hubo fiesta de compromiso o pedida formal de mano?Preguntas sobre el novio/a americano del tipo de cundo es su cumpleaà ±os, dà ³nde ha vivido, dà ³nde nacià ³, en quà © consiste su trabajo, etc. ¿Se ha estado previamente en Estados Unidos? Si la respuesta es afirmativa, se puede preguntar por cunto tiempo y con quà © tipo de visa.Si los prometidos no comparten la misma religià ³n, es posible que se pregunte sobre cà ³mo se resolverà ­an las diferencias ocasionadas por las diferentes creencias.Preguntas sobre la familia del novio/a americano del tipo:  ¿cun tos hermanos tiene?  ¿Dà ³nde viven sus padres?Si no se comunican fluidamente en el mismo idioma, esto tambià ©n ser probablemente objeto de preguntas. Cundo fue la à ºltima vez que se vieron los novios en persona. Preguntas sobre los planes de boda  ¿Se ha reservado ya el lugar del banquete? ¿Cundo se va a celebrar? ¿Quià ©nes son los invitados? ¿Puedo ver alguna tarjeta de invitacià ³n a la boda o alguna prueba de los planes que se estn haciendo para la celebracià ³n del matrimonio? Y es que es muy importante insistir en que la boda tiene que celebrarse antes de que transcurran 90 dà ­as a contar desde el momento de ingreso a Estados Unidos con una visa K-1. Si no hay matrimonio con la persona que patrocinà ³ la visa, la persona extranjera tiene que salir de los Estados Unidos. Ninguna pregunta es particularmente extraà ±a. Siempre y cuando se trate de dos novios de verdad generalmente no hay mayores problemas para responder a las preguntas del oficial consular que conduce la entrevista. Reglas para la entrevista para los solicitantes de una visa K-2 Los K-2 son los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os de una persona para la que se pide la K-1 de prometido.   No hay reglas fijas que regulen la entrevista. Y asà ­, depende de las normas internas de cada consulado decidir si se entrevista a los nià ±os o no. Por regla general puede decirse que los mayores son entrevistados y los ms pequeà ±os no. Si hay entrevista las preguntas ms comunes tratan de averiguar si el nià ±o conoce al ciudadano americano que se va a convertir en su madrastra o padrastro y cules fueron las circunstancias y preguntas semejantes. La visa K-2 se pide para hijos biolà ³gicos, adoptivos o hijastros de personas para las que se solicita la visa K-1. Pero es imprescindible que la persona que es la K-1 tenga custodia legal de esos nià ±os y, si la comparte, tenga el permiso del otro progenitor para sacar los nià ±os del paà ­s de su paà ­s de residencia y llevrselos a vivir a los Estados Unidos.   Quià ©n toma la decisià ³n de conceder o rechazar la visa K-1 y K-2 El oficial del consulado que tramita la visa tiene la palabra final sobre la aprobacià ³n del mismo. Puede negarla por mà ºltiples razones. Por ejemplo, si cree que la relacià ³n es fraudulenta y su à ºnico fin es obtener los papeles. Otra causa es que el ciudadano patrocinador no tiene ingresos suficientes para mantener a su novio. Y otra razà ³n puede ser que la persona para la que se piden los papeles sea inadmisible. Es decir, que no pueda obtener la tarjeta de residencia. Quià ©n puede solicitar la visa de novios Recordar que esta visa, tambià ©n conocida como de prometido, sà ³lo la pueden solicitar los ciudadanos americanos para sus parejas para que à ©stas puedan viajar a Estados Unidos con la finalidad de contraer matrimonio en los 90 dà ­as siguientes a su ingreso al paà ­s.   Es decir, los residentes permanentes legales no pueden pedir a sus novios, ya que las categorà ­as de personas para las que pueden pedir los papeles es mucho ms limitada que la que existe para los ciudadanos. Recordar que dentro del tà ©rmino ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos est incluida la categorà ­a de puertorriqueà ±os. Adems, resaltar que esta visa la pueden solicitar los estadounidenses para sus parejas de otro sexo, es decir, las heterosexuales, pero que tambià ©n pueden pedirlas gays, lesbianas, bisexuales y transexuales para contraer matrimonio con una persona de su mismo sexo. Consejo y alternativas a la visa K-1 No hay porquà © estar nervioso ante la entrevista. Si la relacià ³n es verdadera lo ms probable es que los novios sepan quà © contestar a cada una de las preguntas. En todo caso, puede ser aconsejable repasar conjuntamente las respuestas a las preguntas ms comunes. En cuanto a las alternativas a la K-1 la que se le ocurre a mayor nà ºmero de personas es la de ingresar a Estados Unidos con visa de turista y despuà ©s casarse. Esto no est prohibido pero puede dar lugar a muchos problemas migratorios si la intencià ³n es quedarse en el paà ­s y arreglar los papeles. Por otro lado, si la pareja est ya casada legalmente, aunque el matrimonio se hubiera celebrado fuera de Estados Unidos, los ciudadanos siempre pueden realizar una peticià ³n de residencia por matrimonio o, en casos ms excepcionales, solicitar una visa K-3 para su cà ³nyuge. Finalmente, tener en cuenta los problemas que pueden surgir si el ciudadano que quiere una green card su pareja no ha residido recientemente en los Estados Unidos.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Presentation of a Research Article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Presentation of a Research Article - Essay Example that nurses and doctors believed that their main purpose was to raise the issue of obesity, but that the responsibility for treating it is with the parents. Another major point in the article was that the doctors and nurses believed that because of time constraints, a lack of training, and ill-defined roles they were not able to aid children with obesity issues. Still a third major point was that the child and medical professional relationship could be compromised or jeopardized if the issue of obesity was raised, as they recognized the issue of obesity was a sensitive issue. The major point was that these individuals believed they were ill-equipped to deal with the issue as they believed simplifying informing the patient to engage in more diet and exercise would be ineffective. These cumulative perspectives formed the backbone of recognition and understanding within the study findings. There are a number of further concerns. In terms of generalizability the study is a qualitative study and as such is generally considered as only being applicable to the set population group (Creswell 2003, p. 40). Still, Creswell (2003, p. 42) indicates that qualitative study designs may hold the same level of generalizability as external studies. This consideration indicates that this study could potentially be considered as indicate of broader ranging doctor and nurse perspectives on the nature of obesity treatment. In terms of validity, it seems apparent that the study followed the accepted guidelines for qualitative research. However, there is no way to determine if the study precisely recorded the interview respondents answers or conducted the interviews in a valid and unbiased way. Ultimately, it seems that the study holds a great degree of worthiness. In these regards, the study identified a significant and pressing gap in research. Namely, medical professionals perspectives on treating obesity. As there are a variety of shortcomings in this treatment approach, the value

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Are You A Good or A Great Boss Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Are You A Good or A Great Boss - Case Study Example In order to manage others, bosses should strive to manage themselves because their personality, thoughts and feelings drive your actions, especially how they relate with others that will influence them.   Becoming an effective manager requires not only acquiring good qualities and knowledge but also should undergo difficult personal changes. According to Hill and Lineback (16), the qualities that bosses posses influence others productivity and build trust depending on how well the boss has managed him or herself. Who you are portraying vividly in the way you build relationships with your teamwork; thus, an effective boss should possess the self-awareness and management required to influence their team and do things in the right way. I agree with the fact that a boss should have self-management because those who become bosses should learn to view themselves and their work differently. Meanwhile, they should develop qualities, deeper self-awareness and ability to exercise wise judgme nt in the way they delegate duties. Hill and Lineback (17) indicate that managing network is the significant issue that managers should focus on. In order to manage the people who are responsible to you, managers should manage the context in which these people dwell. The bosses should comprehend the political environment and develop ways in which to build a network with others by setting the right expectations for your people and utilize the right resources. To become an effective boss, one should strive to operate effectively in a political environment because the political environment meets the teamwork request and promote the competitiveness. The political environment provides the division of labour among the people in which it creates different teams with disparate and even conflicting priorities and goals. Meanwhile, it offers interdependence to the teamwork in that none of these teams can meet their responsibilities without informing their other team. To manage the network, bosses should be capable to create a co mpetitive environment where the teamwork should utilize the scarce resources to meet and improve the performance of the organization.  Ã‚  

Monday, November 18, 2019

Medical Microbiology - GI Tract, CNS, Urogenital Tract Assignment

Medical Microbiology - GI Tract, CNS, Urogenital Tract - Assignment Example The infections are usually characterized by frequent urge to urinate, painful and general malaise. The UTIs reoccurrence is most common in 40% of the UTI females. The infection occurs with the E.Coli but with a different strain. The key features of Uropathogenic E.Coli are Type I cystitis and Pili pyelonephritits. The use of catheters is the most common health associated infections. Staphylococcus saprophytics: It is considered to be the second most frequent causative agent of acute UTI, particularly in Women. Patients with UTI caused by this agent usually experience symptomatic cystitis. It causes UTIs in sexually active women. Proteus mirabilis: The virulence factor associated with this is proteases, haemolysins, and Biofilm formation. Biofilms are the group of microorganisms growing on the surfaces enclosed as â€Å"slime†. Apart from the UPEC’s, staphylococcus saprophytic, Candida, proteus mirabilis, klebseilla and mycoplasma and urethra plasma organisms are responsible. The diagnosis includes leukocyte esterase test, nitrates test, etc. The juxta position of urinary and genital tracks are more common. Prostatitis and Epididymitis are other related clinical outcomes. Antibiotics are used for the treatment. 1) Although urine contains various salts, and waste products, it usually does not have bacteria in it. However, when________ bacteria gets into the bladder or kidney, it will multiply cause Urinary Tract Infections. 3) Urogenital infections not caused by sexual transmission, namely yeast vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis, and urinary tract infection remain a major medical problem in terms of the number of women afflicted each year. Which of the following microbe is not responsible for the urogenital infections? Sexually transmitted Diseases (STDs) are transmitted by anal and oral routes. The micro organisms are transmitted through the exchange of the body fluids from the infected to susceptible partners. WHO

Saturday, November 16, 2019

A Case Commentary: Chan Yoke Sim v Choong Teck Fook Ors

A Case Commentary: Chan Yoke Sim v Choong Teck Fook Ors The plaintiff a kindergarden teacher at Tadika Emmanuel (TE) seeks damages over several tort of defamation by several Emmanuel Baptist Church committee members. The plaintiff alleged the committee members have published defamatory statements which leads the other members of the church to believe she was a corrupt,untrustworthy and dishonest person and have repeatedly committing several accounts of frauds and criminal breach of trust during her service in TE. The 1st defamatory statement was that she had allegedly receive twice the payment from the TE board during the same month implying she was a dishonest person. Misusing fund from TE to buy bankdraft for her son that is studying in Australia therefore implying she has committed a criminal breach of trust. Alleged to have repeatedly committing fraud on the accounts of TE and is a corrupt,untrustworthy and a person without morale and principle. Alleged to have abused her position during her service in TE to gain profit for her own pe rsonal gains. The plaintiff have demanded TE board to take appropriate actions to clear her name and demanded an apology statement to be publish to the rest of the members but was ignored by TE board. Firstly to prove whether the statements were defamatory and is made with malice, lets look on the statement that the plaintiff cash in both checks issued to her by the TE board chairman. A replacement cheque is issued by the bank to replace the cheque the plaintiff had loss. This proves that the plaintiff had not cash in both cheques like claimed. The fact that the cheque was reimbursed by the TE board chairman was never questioned and yet allegation against the plaintiff was made ,even after the plaintiff had requested the TE board to carry out investigations to clear her name and demanded an apology no actions were taken by the board and the chairman of the TE board never came out and clarify the matters. I would quote one of the defamatory statement published by the TE board The plaintiff alleged these passages to be defamatory to her in the 2009 Minutes: iii. Purported usage of TE fees collection for the purchase of personal bank draft (Refer to item 6. 3 of the Fact Finding Report and Appendix F). Bro. BC said TE previous Treasurer, sis. Ang Hwee Loo (AHL)s allegation was a very strong and sensitive one as the teacher she referred to was bro. CYHs sister. The Fact Finding Team could not conclude that the purported bank draft was in fact related to the discrepancy being written off in Point 7 of Appendix C, or the purchase of personal bank draft actually happened. v. Salary for Sep-06 was alleged to have been paid twice to a teacher (Refer to 6. 5 of the Fact Finding Report and Appendix G H). Bro. BC in referring to item 3. 1 of the Audit Report (Appendix I) said the audit observation has given the impression of the salary cheques being issued twice to a teacher when actually the alleged replacement cheque was issued to bro. RL as a reimbursement for a different amount. Bro. BC said there were two aspects to this finding. firstly, sis. AHL admitted to the Fact Finding Team that she had omitted to cancel the first salary cheque that was reported lost. secondly, although the second reimbursement cheque to bro. RL included an amount of the teachers salary for Sep-06, there was no voucher to evidence the second salary payment purportedly to have been made in cash. Therefore, the Fact Finding Team could not confirm that the teacher in question has received the Sep-06 salary twice. Sis. LKK commented that when she joined the TE Board, she remembered being told that the TE accounts were very messy. Sis. LL also recalled that sis. AHL wanted collections to be banked in immediately and teachers were later not allowed to hold any money. Since sis. AHLs allegation of a teacher having used TE money to purchase personal bank draft was never tabled and discussed in the past TE Board meetings, the present TE Board accepted the recommendation of the Fact Finding Team and unanimously agreed that the unsubstantiated allegation be dismissed. (the alleged fourth defamatory statements) Is the statements by the TE board defamatory or not?I would quote the decision delivered by Gopal Sri Ram JCA (as he then was) in the Court of Appeal case ofChok Foo Choo @ Chok Kee Lian v The China Press Bhd[1999] 1 MLJ 371at pp 374 and 375 where it was held that: In my judgment, the test which is to be applied lies in the question: do the words published in their natural and ordinary meaning impute to the plaintiff any dishonourable or discreditable conduct or motives or a lack of integrity on his part? If the question invites an affirmative response, then the words complained of are defamatory. (SeeJB Jeyaretnam v Goh Chok Tong[1985] 1 MLJ 334. ) Richard 2 MLJ 117 at 128 Malanjum J, in an admirable judgment inTun Datuk Patinggi Haji Abdul-Rahman Yakub v Bre Sdn Bhd Ors [1996] 1 MLJ 393, collected and reviewed the relevant authorities upon this branch of the subject and I would, with respect, expressly approve the approach adopted by him. To further support the statements were defamatory i quoted the decision by Low Hop Bing J (as he then was) in the case ofAbu Samah bin Omar v Zainal bin Montel[2004] 5 MLJ 377at p 382 where it was held that: Whether the words are defamatory? In respect of this issue, it has been said that there is no precise test applied to determine whether or not any given words are defamatory or are capable of a defamatory imputation. Several general formulations have been accepted and may be stated as follows: (a) any imputation which may tend to lower the plaintiff in the estimation of right thinking members of society generally (seeSB Palmer v AS Rajah Ors[1949] MLJ 6); to cut him off from society or to expose him to hatred, contempt or ridicule (seeAbdul Rahman Talib v Seenivasagam Anor[1965] 1 MLJ 142); (b) a defamatory statement is one to a mans discredit, or which tends to lower him in the estimation of others, or to injure his reputation in his office, trade or profession, or to injure his financial credit or if the words cause him to be shunned or avoided:Yussoupoff v Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Ltd[1934] 50 TLR 58; per Mohamed Azmi J (later FCJ) inSyed Husin Ali v Sharikat Penchetakan Utusan Melayu Bhd Anor[1973] 2 MLJ 56at p 58,Gatley on Libel and Slander(6th Ed) p 4, as followed by Ramly Ali J inKian Lup Construction, pp 41–42. It is also crucial to determine wether the statement is being defamatory or not, the words must be read in its context in which they were used, (seeLim Guan Eng v Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd[2012] 2 MLJ 394at pp 403–404 (HC)) The plaintiff therefore had no other options but to bring the case to the court to clear her name. The attitude and actions of the defendants towards the plaintiff up until the trial was indifferent with their imputations towards the plaintiff. There was no investigation carry out to clear her name and all allegation is based on assumption and therefore it is flawed. The defendants were indifferent to the truth and seems to have falsify all the allegation made towards the plaintiff,this is sufficient to prove there was malicious intention towards the plaintiff. The next course is to prove wether the alleged defamatory statements and records were being publish to third party. The documents which allegedly contain information about the plaintiff wrong doing was supose to be classify information as stated and will only be distribute during different occasions of meetings of the board or if the documents were requested by the members of the board yet unfortunately the person that have the responsibility to keep the documents confidential had made the documents known to the members of the TE board and the regular members of the church that has nothing to do with their administration. Even though the distribution of the records doesnt fall into the category of general public and even if the plaintif doesnt conduct a business for a living but the family of the plaintiff were devout members of the church and this action has severely made the other members of the church label her and probably her family as frauds and untrustworthy severely damaging her worth as a person and affecting the plaintiff family as well. This was proven that the defamatory statement were valid as the regular members of the church falls into the category as 3rd party. According to Defamation act the TE board committees had violate section 5 of slandering the plaintiff of her reputation as a teacher thus will bring problems to her employment in the future. They are also guilty of violating section 6 slandering of title since TE board has alleged published several defamatory statements that imply the plaintiff was a dishonest person and a fraud and has been proven the statements were made with malice. The TE board couldnt claim to be alleged to the defenses of unintentional defamation in section 7 since the plaintiff have requested a lot of times for investigations to be carry out to clear her name and unfortunately was ignored. This alone prove that this is far from being unintentional. The TE board couldnt claim section 8 Justification as defenses as well since there was never any official investigation being carry out to verify the allegations made towards the plaintiff therefore all allegations were without prove and was just slanderous. The TE board couldnt claim section 10 Migitation damages as well since there was no action taken even after the plaintiff have ask for clarification and apology from the TE board and their attitude has remain indifferent up until the trial. This shows that the TE board isnt sincere in their apology and has no intention of doing so until it is proven they had indeed committed defamation against the plaintiff. Based on the analysis above, It is unfair that the plaintiff receive such treatment when the defendants could care less about proving the authenticity of the alleged claim that the plaintiff have committed the alleged dishonest act. the plaintiff is egligible to receive payments for the damages that the defendants were responsible for the defamation.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Kids Worst Nightmares :: essays research papers

Kid’s Worst Nightmare   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The worst nightmare for a child in elementary school is to hear his/her teacher say they will have no recess. Most children look forward to recess every day and some could even play everyday all day if they could. It is a time for them to let off all the stress that has built up from school work, and a time for them to be themselves. The council on Physical Education for Children agree that recess is a necessity, they state that â€Å"Recess is a time that gives children opportunities to engage in physical activity, to developing, healthy bodies which in return would create healthy minds and bodies that would be capable for learning† (COPEC, 2001). Recess is needed in all schools because it is healthy for all children, it improves social skills with one another, and it revitalizes the children.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Recess is an important part of child development in Elementary Schools because it allows the children to get the necessary exercises they need, which is healthy for all children. Due to some parents’ work loads, community violence, and safety issues some children are unable to play freely. As a result of these issues, children are leaning more towards watching television, playing video games and other inactive activities that endanger their health (Jarrett, 2003). Therefore, children are at high risk for early signs of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Recess is a way that Elementary schools help prevent health issues in some children’s lives. It also serves as a developmentally appropriate strategy for reducing stress. Olga S. Jarrett did a study on recess, she stated that â€Å"Recess allows children to be active which will make the child more assertive and able to focus on their class work when he/she starts on it† (Jarrett, 2003). Jarr ett also study how recess works with the brain and she concludes that â€Å"Recess involves that valuable, unstructured downtime, that research says is crucial for recycling brain chemicals that formulate long term memory† (Jarrett, 2003). During play, children breathe in oxygen which helps fuel their brains, creating more connections between neurons. This helps their brain to process information, and leads to better grades. Recess also helps with the development of children’s social skills and in the long run, being an adult in society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While children play, they are still learning; they are learning life-long skills that will help them as adults. Skills such as working together, resolving conflicts, motor skills, and cognitive abilities are being taught.